Inauguration and official opening of the Neuroangiography-Suite Anton Valavanis


Hybrider Event: Online oder Teilnahme vor Ort

Universitätsspital Zürich
Monakow-Hörsaal (HAL A 34)
Frauenklinikstrasse 26
8091 Zürich




16.00 - 18.00 Uhr


16.00 Uhr Welcome and introduction
Zsolt Kulcsar
16.05 Uhr Architectonics of the Subarachnoid Fiber System and their Impact on Aneurysm Behavior
Prof. Anton Valavanis
16.45 Uhr Ignore me no more: shedding light into the micro-architectonics of the subarachnoid space with the use of trans-vascular OCT imaging
Ass. Prof. Vania Anagnostakou, New England Center for Stroke research, University of Massachusetts Medical School
17.05 Uhr Vascular applications of intravascular imaging
Prof. Matt Gounis, New England Center for Stroke research, University of Massachusetts Medical School
17.25 Uhr Discussion
17.30 Uhr Neuroangiography at its highest: new frontiers with the Azurion System
Zsolt Kulcsar
17.45 Uhr Inauguration and official opening of the Neuroangiography Suite Anton Valavanis
Nord 1 C213
18.00 Uhr Apero


Online with zoom

Meeting-ID: 666 7600 1329
Kenncode: 841515

Anmeldung zur Teilnahme vor Ort


Susanna Sigg
Klinisches Neurozentrum
Universitätsspital Zürich
Frauenklinikstrasse 10
8091 Zürich

Tel. +41 44 255 56 20