Department of Internal Medicine

Internal medicine includes the diagnosis and non-surgical treatment of diseases affecting the internal organs. In our Department of Internal Medicine, we combine inpatient with outpatient clarification, treatment and care of patients with internal diseases.

Department of Internal Medicine

University Hospital Zurich
Raemistrasse 100
8091 Zurich
Tel. +41 44 255 24 30

Department of Internal Medicine

Floor 5, Reception G
The Circle 59
8058 Zurich-Airport
Tel. +41 44 255 24 30

We care for patients with common internal diseases, as well as those with unclear clinical pictures or the simultaneous illness of several organ systems. We maintain close and coordinated cooperation with colleagues from other specialties.

Our specialty is to bring all information and findings together to form a complete picture; our primary goal is to incorporate your individual needs, values and preferences into all upcoming decisions for clarification and treatment. Together with you, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the upcoming examinations and treatments in order to determine the best medical care that is individually adapted to you.