
2nd Swiss Histiocytosis Symposium

“Everything, Everywhere at all at once – the multiverse of histiocytic disorders”
Challenges in diagnostics and treatment of histiocytic disorders


Universitätsspital Zürich
Rämistrasse 100
8091 Zürich

Lecture hall

Grosser Hörsaal PATH / D22




14:00 - 18:00


SGH, SGMO und SGAIM Credits 3


Free of charge


14.00 Welcome & Introduction

Markus G. Manz, Prof. Dr. med, Head, Department of Medical Oncology and Hematology, USZ

14.15 Histiocytic diseases – a diagnostic perspective

Martin Hüllner, Prof. Dr. med., Department of Nuclear Medicine

14.45 Lung and Histiocytic Disorders: an entity on its own?

Christian Clarenbach, Prof. Dr. med., Institute for Pneumology, USZ

15.15 Coffee Break
15.30 Neurodegenerative LCH: how a better understanding of pathophysiology can lead to better treatment options

C. Matthias Wilk, Dr. med., Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NY, USA

16.15 Case Reports: Histiocytic Diseases – Challenges in daily practice

Stalder, Grégoire, Dr. med., Department of Oncology/Service d’hématologie, CHUV Lausanne

16.40 Wrap up

Wiebke Rösler, Dr. med., Department of Medical Oncology and Hematology, USZ

17.00 End of Symposium

Dear colleagues,

I am delighted to invite you to the 2nd Swiss Histiocytic Symposium.
Histiocytic diseases still confront us with diagnostic and therapeutic challenges due to their diverse manifestations. Unlike in the Oscar-winning film ‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’, we are unfortunately not free to switch back and forth between universes and check the consequences of our decisions for our patients in a parallel universe in order to return to our world with this knowledge. This once again emphasizes the importance of research in the field of these rare diseases, as well as the need for close collaboration between colleagues working intensively on this type of disease.
I am therefore thrilled that we have once again succeeded in putting together a varied and exciting program.

Matthias Wilk (Mount Sinai, New York) will take us on a journey into the pathophysiological depths of neurodegenerative Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis, a serious complication of the disease with sometimes life-limiting consequences for those affected. Martin Hüllner (USZ) will take a closer look at the diagnostic diversity and thus also the challenges posed by histiocytic diseases. Christian Clarenbach from the Pneumology Department of the USZ will report on the special form of Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis, a form of histiocytic disease that is representative of histiocytic diseases in its range of treatment options, from (supposedly) simply stopping smoking to lung transplantation.  A variety, that will be reflected by the cases reports, presented by Grégoire Stalder from Lausanne.

In addition to the intellectual input, we will also have the opportunity to share our newly acquired knowledge while enjoying some refreshments. Registration is now possible via the following link or the attached QR code.

“We are all useless alone. It’s a good thing, you are not alone.” With this quote from the aforementioned movie, I am looking forward to an exciting event and lively discussions in the interest of the care of our patients.

For the Swiss Histiocytosis Network

Dr. Wiebke Rösler

Clarenbach, Christian, Prof. Dr. med.
Department for Pneumology
University Hospital Zurich

Hüllner, Martin, Prof. Dr. med.
Department of Nuclear Medicine
University Hospital Zurich

Manz, Markus G.,  Prof. Dr. med.
Department of Medical Oncology and Hematology
University Hospital Zurich

Rösler, Wiebke,  Dr. med.,
Department of Medical Oncology and Hematology
University Hospital Zurich

Stalder, Grégoire, Dr. med.
Department of Oncology/Service d’hématologie
CHUV Lausanne

Wilk C. Matthias Wilk, Dr. med.,
Miriam Merad Laboratory, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai


Please register by 18.10.2024.


Dr. med. Wiebke Rösler

Tel. 044 255 38 99


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