10th Annual Symposium KNZ

This year's symposium is dedicated to the topic "Clinical Neurosciences: future therapies and outlook".


Hörsaal Monakow
University Hospital Zurich
Frauenklinikstrasse 26
8091 Zurich




1.45 - 6.30 p.m.


SNG 4 / SGR 4 / SGNC 4

This year’s Yaşargil Lecture will be given by Prof. Alejandro Berenstein, a pioneer of interventional neuoradiology, on the topic “From selective angiography to superselective catheterization to articulating endovascular neurosurgery, a personal journey”.

This year’s symposium is being held especially in memory of Prof. Antonios Valavanis.


1.45 pm Welcome address
Luca Regli
2 pm – 4 pm Session 1: Innovative Therapies for the Future and Clinical Outlook
Chair: Zsolt Kulcsar
2.00 pm Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for multiple sclerosis
Patrick Roth
2.15 p.m. Imaging in neuro-oncology: future prospects
Andrea Bink
2.30 p.m. Innovative therapeutic approaches against glioblastoma
Tobias Weiss
2.45 pm Functional Neurosurgery future perspectives
Lennart Stieglitz
3.00 p.m. Surgical Vision Seeing beyond: from predictive analytics to computer vision
Carlo Serra
3.15 p.m. Noninvasive brain stimulation for stroke recovery
Meret Branscheidt
3.30 pm Clinical implementation of advanced quantitative MRI in acute ischemic stroke
Martina Sebök
3.45 pm Discussion
4 pm Coffee break
16.30 – 16.50 Session 2: Research Award Ceremony of the Clinical Neuroscience Center
Chair: Fritjof Helmchen
4.30 pm Laudatio
Gabriela Senti
4.35 pm Prize winner
Beppi Carolina
4.40 p.m. Laudatio
Gabriela Senti
4.45 p.m. Prize winner
Hanna Meister & Thomas Look
4.50 pm – 5.40 pm Session 3: Tribute to Professor Antonios Valavanis
Board KNZ Zsolt Kulcsar, Luca Regli, Michael Weller
4.50 p.m. Tribute from the Board of Directors of the Clinical Neuroscience Center
Zsolt Kulcsar, Luca Regli, Michael Weller
5.00 pm Are AVMs a venous disease?
Georges Rodesch
5.20 p.m. In memory of and legacy of Antonios Valavanis
Michihiro Tanaka
5.40 pm – 6.30 pm Session 4: 10th Yasargil Lecture
Chair: Michael Weller
5.40 p.m. Laudatio for Professor Alejandro Berenstein
Zsolt Kulcsar
5.50 p.m. 10th Yaşargil Lecture: From selective angiography to superselective catheterization to articulating endovascular neurosurgery – a personal journey
Professor Alejandro Berenstein
6.30 p.m. Apéro

Prof. Dr. med. Alejandro Berenstein
Co-Director, Pediatric Cerebrovascular Disorders, Prof. Neurosurgery Radiology and Pediatrics, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Mount Sinai Health System, New York

Prof. Dr. med. Andrea Bink
Head Physician Department for Neuroradiology
University Hospital Zurich

Dr. med. Meret Branscheidt
Medical Director
Hertenstein at Cereneo

Prof. Dr. Fritjof Helmchen
Director ZNZ, Institute for Brain Research
University of Zurich

PD Dr. med. Zsolt Kulcsar
Director of the Department of Neuroradiology, Head of the Clinical Neurocenter, University Hospital Zurich

Prof. Dr. med. Luca Regli
Director of the Department of Neurosurgery, Head of the Clinical Neurocenter, University Hospital and University of Zurich

Prof. Dr. med. Georges Rodesch
Director, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Neuroradiology
Department of Pediatric Interventional Neuroradiology
Hôpital Foch, Paris

Prof. Dr. med. Patrick Roth
Department for Neurosurgery
University Hospital Zurich

Dr. med. Martina Sebök
Senior Physician Department for Neurosurgery
University Hospital Zurich

Prof. Dr. med. Gabriela Senti
Director Research & Teaching
University Hospital Zurich

PD Dr. med. Carlo Serra
Head Physician Department for Neurosurgery
University Hospital Zurich

Prof. Dr. med. Lennart Stieglitz
Head Physician Department for Neurosurgery
University Hospital Zurich

Prof. Dr. med. Michihiro Tanaka
Director of Neuroendovascular Surgery
Kameda Medical Center, Kamogawa, Japan

Dr. med. Dr. sc. nat. Tobias Weiss
Senior Physician Department for Neurology
University Hospital Zurich

Prof. Dr. med. Michael Weller
Department for Neurology, Head of the Clinical Neurocenter
University Hospital and University of Zurich



University Hospital Zurich
Clinical Neuroscience Center
Frauenklinikstrasse 10
8091 Zurich

Tel. +41 44 255 26 60