Research Group Berend Snijder


Pharmacoscopy, Ex vivo image-based drug screening, Multi-OMICs data integration, Drug-response individuality, Cancer biology & immunology

Summary & Mission statement

The Snijder Lab is pioneering image-based ex vivo drug testing in patient biopsies (Pharmacoscopy) to improve cancer patient treatment and gain valuable insights into the molecular determinants of patient drug responses. We aim to improve our molecular and cell biological understanding of drug response individuality and bring functional precision oncology to the clinic.


The Snijder Lab is pioneering multiplexed image-based drug screening in patient biopsies, a technique we call pharmacoscopy, for both systems biology and personalized medicine. In multiple intervention clinical studies, pharmacoscopy-guided treatments have shown promising improvements in patient outcomes for blood cancers (e.g. Snijder et al., Lancet Haematology 2017; Kornauth et al., Cancer Discovery, 2022). We now combine these functional drug response profiles with multi-OMICs integration and deep learning-based image analyses, aiming to identify the molecular and cellular systems underlying drug-response individuality and improve patient treatment.


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