Hormonal examinations for unfulfilled desire to have children

To get an overview of your fertility, we examine various hormones and count the number of follicles in the starting position.

To give us an overview of your fertility, we examine the following hormones:

  • Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) standard value < 10 IU/l
  • Anti Müller Hormone (AMH) ideally > 10 pmol/l

We also use an ultrasound scan to count the number of follicles in the starting position = antral follicle count (AFC).

In order to rule out hormonal disruptive factors or hormonal diseases, further tests may be useful. These include, for example:

  • Thyroid hormones: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) possibly fT3 and fT4
  • Prolactin
  • Testosterone
  • Progesterone
  • and more

The oestrogen and oestradiol levels are also determined in order to check whether a blood sample has been taken at the right time, i.e. early in the cycle. This is important to ensure that hormone values are interpreted correctly.

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For patients

You cannot register directly for a consultation. Please get a referral from your primary care physician, specialist.

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Tel. +41 44 255 50 07
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