KNZ Research Day 2023

This year, we will again present current research projects from the diverse areas of basic research projects or clinically-oriented projects.


Monakow Auditorium
Frauenklinikstrasse 26
8091 Zürich




1.30 pm - 4.45 pm


SGNC 4 / SGR 3 / SNG 4

The program reflects the breadth of science conducted at the KNZ. The speakers are young, promising scientists, cornerstones of today’s KNZ and its future, at the level of PhD students, postdocs and residents.


1.30 pm – 1.35 pm Opening:  Lars Michels (PD, PhD, NRA)
1.35 pm- 2.45 pm Session 1: Moderator: Shabnam Yousefi Hashtyani (Dr. med, NOS)
1.35 pm – 1.45 pm Real-life physical activity monitoring after stroke using inertial measurement units
Johannes Pohl (PhD student, MSc; NOS)
Epilepsy, Vertigo, MS
1.45 pm – 1.55 pm Quantitative magnetic resonance mapping of the myelin bilayer reflects pathology in multiple sclerosis brain tissue
Benjamin Victor Ineichen (MD, PhD; NRA)
1.55 pm – 2.05 pm Interiktale hochfrequente Oszillationen sagen das Ergebnis nach einem chirurgischen Anfall voraus: eine multizentrische Studie
Vasilis Dimakopoulos (PhD student; NCH)
2.05 pm – 2.15 pm Non-associative learning (habituation) paradigms for assessing neurological dysfunctions
Carolina Beppi (PhD; NOS)
2.15 pm- 2.25 pm Detecting interictal epilepsy biomarkers in real-time with dedicated hardware
Filippo Costa (PhD student; NCH)
2.25 pm – 2.35 pm Implications for driving based on the conditional risk of seizures after ischemic stroke
Kai Michael Schubert (Dr. med., PhD; NOS)
New in clinics
2.35 pm – 2.45 pm Improving anatomical understanding, surgical planning and training in neurosurgery with mixed reality
Elisa Colombo (MD, PhD student; NCH)
2.45 pm – 3.15 pm Coffee break
3.15 pm – 4.45 pm Session 2 Moderator: Lukasz Kolakowski (Dr. med., NOS)
2.50 pm – 3 pm Neurovascular
3.15 pm – 3.25 pm Microvascular failure in stroke: neutrophils in the spotlight
Mohamad El Amki (PhD; NOS)
3.25 pm – 3.35 pm Pericyte Heterogeneity in the brain
Sheng-Fu Huang (PhD; NCH)
3.35 pm – 3.45 pm Dural arteriovenous fistulas
Patrick Thurner (Dr. med.; NRA)
3.45 pm – 3.55 pm Silent validation of a delayed cerebral ischemia prediction model in subarachnoid hemorrhage using the ICU Cockpit infrastructure
Jens Boss (PhD; NCH)
Neuro-Oncology and Neuroimmunology
3.55 pm – 4.05 pm A novel macrophage-based drug delivery platform for the treatment of glioblastoma
Miaomiao Sun (PhD student; NOS)
4.05 pm – 4.15 pm Visual analysis of glioma subtypes
Valentina Medici (MSc student; NRA)
4.15 pm – 4.25 pm The choroid plexus in intracranial hemorrhage
Kevin Akeret (Dr. med., PhD; NCH)
4.25 pm – 4.35 pm Preclinical Insights into pathomechanisms of Neuromyelitis Optica Lesions
Marina Herwerth (Dr. med.; NOS)
4.35 pm – 4.45 pm 3D quantitative evaluation of the peritumoral infiltration zone in glioblastoma
Gergely Bertalan (PhD; NRA)
4.45 pm – 5.45 pm  Apéro riche for all participants in the Foyer Nord 2


Tel. +41 44 255 26 60

University Hospital Zurich
Clinical Neurocentre
Marie Delnon
Frauenklinikstrasse 10
8091 Zurich