16. Annual Symposium of the University Hospital Zurich Transplant Center Xenotransplantation – the new hope? & Transplantation Research at the USZ

Fachveranstaltung des Transplantationszentrums für Zuweisende und Interessierte zum Thema Xenotransplantation mit Panel-Diskussion und Beiträgen aus aktuellen Forschungstätigkeiten der verschiedenen Organtransplantationsprogramme.


Great Lecture Hall East / Grosser Hörsaal OST
Schmelzbergstrasse 12
8091 Zürich

Hybrid Event




13.30 - 17.00


13.30 Welcome and opening by the Medical Director of the USZ
Prof. Dr. med. Malcolm Kohler
13.40 Opening remarks
Prof. Dr. med. Nicolas Müller
13.45 Annual report
Prof. Dr. med. Nicolas Müller
Chair: Prof. Thomas Müller
14.10 Xenotransplantation – the new frontier
Prof. Dr. med. vet. Eckhard Wolf, Molecular Animal Breeding and Biotechnology, Gene Center, LMU Munich
14.40 Panel discussion
Representatives of the individual organ programs
15.15 Coffee break
15.45 Excellence Award Zurich Transplantation Center
Prof. Dr. med. Markus Wilhelm
Transplantation Research at the USZ
Chair: Prof. Nicolas Müller, Prof. Dr. med. Markus Wilhelm
15.55 The psychosocial wellbeing study of lung transplant survivors during the corona pandemic: surprising results
Michèle Krapf, Katja-Daniela Jordan
16.05 Impact of COVID-19 prevention measures on viral
infection rate in lung transplant recipients
med. pract. Isabelle Baumann
16.15 The eye – a window to the heart?
Dr. Valentina Rossi
16.25 The impact of pre-transplant donor specific antibodies in kidney transplantation
Dr. med. Dr. sc. Lukas Frischknecht
16.35 Scientific Award: First worldwide transplantation of a human liver following long-term ex-situ normothermic preservation
Prof. Dr. Pierre-Alain Clavien, Dr. Matteo Müller
16.45 Scientific Award: Swisstolerance
Dr. med. Kerstin Hübel
16.55 Closing remarks
Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Müller



Universitätsspital Zürich
Lisbeth Langhammer
Rämistrasse 100
8091 Zürich

Tel. +41 44 255 96 60

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