CRPP Pain Seminar

Cognitive and Clinical Impact of Expectations - on Pain and Beyond.


Balgrist University Hospital
Forchstrasse 340
8008 Zurich




14.00-17.00 h


SGR, AIM, SGPMR 3 Credits


14.00 h Welcome
Oliver Distler
14.10 h Guest Lecture – Focal Dystonia in CRPS: Organic Disease or Functional Disorder
David Benninger, PD Dr.
14.50 h Break
15.00 h Pronounced Signs of Central Sensitization in CRPS Patients with a Widespread Pain Pattern
Iara de Schoenemaker
15.20 h Pain-related Evoked Potentials in CRPS
Florin Allmendinger
15.40 h Altered Expression of Neurotrophins and their Receptors in the Skin of Patients with CRPS
Melina Perez Vertti Valdez
16.00 h Break
16.15 h The Value of Pain-autonomic Measures in CRPS
Paulina Scheuren, PhD
16.35 h Intertester Reliability of a Newly Proposed Clinical Assessment of CRPS Catients – Towards a Mechanistic-oriented Physical Therapy in CRPS
Jasmin Erni, MSc
16.50 h Summary and Conclusion
Oliver Distler
17.00 h Apéro


University Hospital Zurich
Nicole Schneider

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