Studien suchen Teilnehmende

Melanom: A Phase 1/2 Open-Label Rolling-Arm Umbrella Platform Design of Investigational Agents With or Without Pembrolizumab or Pembrolizumab Alone in Participants With Melanoma: Substudy 02C

Substudy 02C

Stadium/Indikation inkl. Kurzinfo

Melanom – 1st line

Resezierbares Stadium IIIB-IIID
Neoadjuvante Therapie

Anti-PD1 + anti-TIGIT vs Anti-PD1 + oncolytische Virotherapie vs Anti-PD1 Anschliessende adjuvante anti-PD1 Therapie


Merck MK3475
Substudy 02C

Offizieller Titel

A Phase 1/2 Open-Label Rolling-Arm Umbrella Platform Design of Investigational Agents With or Without Pembrolizumab or Pembrolizumab Alone in Participants With Melanoma: Substudy 02C

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Prof. Dr. med. Reinhard Dummer

Tel. +41 43 253 76 59

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