Portrait Thi Dao Nguyen

Thi Dao Nguyen

Doktorandin, Klinik für Neonatologie


Tel. +41 44 255 44 71

Professional experience

Thi Dao Nguyen is a PhD student in Clinical Science at the University of Zurich’s Faculty of Medicine. Since 2017 she has been co-leading the BrainDNIU study (Brain Development and Later Neurodevelopmental Outcome after Intrauterine Growth Restriction) with Prof. Dr. med. Giancarlo Natalucci. This study focuses on the brain development of infants with intrauterine growth restriction, a condition in which a fetus is smaller than normal due to a pathological process. It aims to create a cohort of 138 affected infants and an equal number of infants with appropriate growth and to observe their neurodevelopment starting before birth and up to an age of 6 years.

Research focus areas

Impact of intrauterine growth restriction on brain development and consequences for later neurodevelopmental outcome: a prospective cohort study (BrainDNIU)