Symposium on behalf of the Betty & David Koetser Foundation for Brain Research
Online participation
Meeting ID: 677 1457 4849
Passcode: 592198
Symposium on behalf of the Betty & David Koetser Foundation for Brain Research
Hybrid event: physical or online participation
Monakow Lecture Hall
Department of Neurology
University Hospital Zurich
14:00 – 18:00 Uhr
14.00 | Music presentation Leah Disse (violin), Fritjof Helmchen (cello), Fabienne Fierz (piano) |
14.20 | Welcome Sebastian Jessberger |
14.25 | Facets of Menière’s disease Julia Dlugaiczyk |
14.45 | The value of truncal ataxia assessments in acutely dizzy patients Alexander A. Tarnutzer |
15.05 | Superior canal dehiscence syndrome Georgios Mantokoudis |
15.25 | Dizzy, but sober Konrad P. Weber |
15.55 | Coffee break |
16.30 | Music presentation Leah Disse (violin), Fritjof Helmchen (cello), Fabienne Fierz (piano) |
Laudatio Dizziness and imbalance: old people and young techniques |
17.40 | Apéro |
Adolfo Bronstein, Department of Neuro-otology, Imperial College London (Koetser Award 2022)
Prof. Sebastian Jessberger, Brain Research Institute, UZH (president of the Koetser Foundation)
Dr. Leah Disse, Department of Neurology, USZ
Prof. Fritjof Helmchen, Brain Research Institute, UZH
Dr. Fabienne Fierz, Department of Ophthalmology, USZ
Prof. Julia Dlugaiczyk, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, USZ
Prof. Alexander A. Tarnutzer, Neurology, Cantonal Hospital of Baden
Prof. Georgios Mantokoudis, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Inselspital Bern
PD Dr. Konrad P. Weber, Departments of Neurology and Ophthalmology, USZ
Prof. Dominik Straumann, Department of Neurology, USZ
Meeting ID: 677 1457 4849
Passcode: 592198