Fibroblasts – from chromatin biology to therapy in autoimmunity and cancer

An interdisciplinary panel of leaders in the fields of computational biology, single cell omics and fibroblast pathobiology in arthritis, fibrosis, and cancer will discuss the latest research into how discoveries about fibroblasts driven by single-cell omics and artificial intelligence are advancing pathobiology, patient stratification and therapies across arthritis, fibrosis and cancer.






4.00 pm - 6.40 pm CEST


4.00 pm Welcome
Oliver Distler, Zurich, Switzerland
4.10 pm How advances in computational biology and single-cell omics can progress the biomedical research?
Mark Robinson, Zurich, Switzerland
4.30 pm Systemic fibrosis, fibroblasts: Machine learning – skin histology and gene expression for patient stratification
Dana Orange, Rockefeller University, NY, USA
4.50 pm Panel Discussion
Moderated by Mojca Frank Bertoncelj, Zurich, Switzerland
5.05 pm Break
5.10 pm Stromal cell activation in mouse and human arthritis – similarities and differences
Marietta Armaka, Alexander Fleming BSRC, Greece
5.30 pm Myofibroblasts – matrix mechanobiology, mechanotransduction and fibrosis
Boris Hinz, University of Toronto, Canada
5.50 pm Cancer and fibrosis – investigative chromatin biology and beyond
Howard Y Chang, Stanford University, CA, USA
6.10 pm Panel Discussion
Moderated by Mojca Frank Bertoncelj, Zurich, Switzerland
6.30 pm Summary and conclusion
Caroline Ospelt, Zurich, Switzerland


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Code: 541078


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Tel. +41 43 254 21 38

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