1.00 p.m. |
Matthias Guckenberger and Nicolaus Andratschke, University Hospital Zurich |
Session Biology and Technology I:
moderated by Frank Zimmermann and Ludwig Plasswilm |
1.15 p.m. |
The knowns and unknowns of reirradiation: how to integrate tumor
and radiobiology in the complex decision making process
Claus Belka, LMU Klinikum, DE |
1.35 p.m. |
Technical aspects of dose accumulation: How to safely assess cumulative doses?
Ane Appelt, St. Jame’s University of Leeds, UK |
1.55 p.m. |
The reality check: How to implement this in online adaptive MR guided Radiotherapy?
Madalyne Chamberlain, University Hospital of Zurich, CH |
Session Biology and Technology II:
moderated by Daniel Aebersold and Tsoutsou Pelaga |
2.10 p.m. |
Reirradiation with protons: Does the superiority of physical properties beat uncertainties in biological knowledge?
Camilla Kronborg, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark |
2.30 p.m. |
Reirradiation with Brachytherapy: The art of dose painting as a function of needles needed?
Primoz Petric, University Hospital Zurich, CH |
2.50 p.m. |
Reirradiation in combination with Hyperthermia: is heat the answer?
Oliver Riesterer, Kantonsspital Aarau, CH |
3.15 p.m. |
Coffee Break |
Clinical session: tumor-specific reirradiation I:
moderated by Katrin Zaugg and Thomas Zilli |
4.00 p.m. |
H&N cancer reirradiation: How to balance patient selection and toxicity considerations?
Mahmut Ozsahin, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, CH |
4.20 p.m. |
Thoracic reirradiation: Where is the role in the era of immunotherapy and minimally invasive surgery?
Dirk De Ruysscher, MAASTRO Clinic, NE |
4.40 p.m. |
Salvage prostate reirradiation: Is recurrent prostate cancer reirradiation ready for prime time?
David Pasquier, Centre Oscar Lambret, FR |
Clinical session: tumor-specific reirradiation II:
moderated by Brigitta Baumert and Nicolaus Andratschke |
5.00 p.m. |
Bone reirradiation: One size fits all or how to personalize treatment?
Joanne van der Velden, University Medical Center Utrecht, NE |
5.20 p.m. |
Abdominal reirradiation: What cumulative doses can we safely recommend?
Mariangela Massaccesi, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, IT |
5.40 p.m. |
Case discussion with speakers and audience
Jonas Willmann, Paul Scherrer Institut, CH |
6.00 p.m. |
End of the Event |