Reirradiation Symposium – Still navigating uncharted waters?

Reirradiation is a potential treatment for patients with otherwise limited options for local tumor recurrence, metastases or a new primary tumor within an area previously irradiated. Within this symposium, experts in the field will present the current status, but also recent developments in reirradiation. Explore with us, what is really known and what is still to be treated with caution in reirradiation.


University Hospital Zurich
Hörsaal PATH D22
Schmelzbergstrasse 12
8091 Zürich




1.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m



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1.00 p.m. Welcome
Matthias Guckenberger and Nicolaus Andratschke, University Hospital Zurich
Session Biology and Technology I:
moderated by Frank Zimmermann and Ludwig Plasswilm
1.15 p.m. The knowns and unknowns of reirradiation: how to integrate tumor
and radiobiology in the complex decision making process
Claus Belka, LMU Klinikum, DE
1.35 p.m. Technical aspects of dose accumulation: How to safely assess cumulative doses?
Ane Appelt, St. Jame’s University of Leeds, UK
1.55 p.m. The reality check: How to implement this in online adaptive MR guided Radiotherapy?
Madalyne Chamberlain, University Hospital of Zurich, CH
Session Biology and Technology II:
moderated by Daniel Aebersold and Tsoutsou Pelaga
2.10 p.m. Reirradiation with protons: Does the superiority of physical properties beat uncertainties in biological knowledge?
Camilla Kronborg, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark
2.30 p.m. Reirradiation with Brachytherapy: The art of dose painting as a function of needles needed?
Primoz Petric, University Hospital Zurich, CH
2.50 p.m. Reirradiation in combination with Hyperthermia: is heat the answer?
Oliver Riesterer, Kantonsspital Aarau, CH
3.15 p.m. Coffee Break
Clinical session: tumor-specific reirradiation I:
moderated by Katrin Zaugg and Thomas Zilli
4.00 p.m. H&N cancer reirradiation: How to balance patient selection and toxicity considerations?
Mahmut Ozsahin, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, CH
4.20 p.m. Thoracic reirradiation: Where is the role in the era of immunotherapy and minimally invasive surgery?
Dirk De Ruysscher, MAASTRO Clinic, NE
4.40 p.m. Salvage prostate reirradiation: Is recurrent prostate cancer reirradiation ready for prime time?
David Pasquier, Centre Oscar Lambret, FR
Clinical session: tumor-specific reirradiation II:
moderated by Brigitta Baumert and Nicolaus Andratschke
5.00 p.m. Bone reirradiation: One size fits all or how to personalize treatment?
Joanne van der Velden, University Medical Center Utrecht, NE
5.20 p.m. Abdominal reirradiation: What cumulative doses can we safely recommend?
Mariangela Massaccesi, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, IT
5.40 p.m. Case discussion with speakers and audience
Jonas Willmann, Paul Scherrer Institut, CH
6.00 p.m. End of the Event


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